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     I have a dream to run a coffee shop, therefore I take a cooking courses. I attend there every Saturday. It's only once a week since I am a student and busy with homework so that I don't have much time to present on another day.
     I have one friend who took tutoring with me too. Her name is Shofi. We attend the same school, same class, therefore we're really close to each other.
     One day, Shofi and I discuss about our upcoming holiday. We share our holiday plan. I also tell her about the reason why do I plan my holiday as I told told her.

Nasya : Hey Shofi what time is it? It's time to go home right?

Shofi : A few minutes more

Nasya : Cool. It's time to cleaning up. Do you want me to make two cups of coffee before we go?

Shofi : Sure. How come you could love coffee that much? You always make it for me.

Nasya : Ahh.. It's been my dream to run a coffee shop

Shofi : Yeah I can see that. By the way are you already have a plan for our upcoming holiday?

Nasya : Sure! I can not wait for it!

Shofi : What is your plan?

Nasya : It's simple. Since I really want to run my own coffee shop, one of my aunt that live in Korea invite me to oversee her coffee shop there during the holidays. It's such a pleasure and I think its is a really suitable job for me. It's also winter there. It fits perfectly right?

Shofi : Woah! Good luck there!

Nasya : Thank you. How about you Shofi? What's your plan?

Shofi : Eum.. Something comes to my mind. I would like to have a vacation with my sister. It will be more fun if there is someone who accompany me

Nasya : Is it fun or you just afraid of being alone? Ha ha ha...

Shofi : Ishh stop teasing me. I'm not a coward tho

Nasya : Ok Ok. By the way have you consider which place to go?

Shofi : Of course! I've planned it perfectly

Nasya : So, where?

Shofi : MALDIVES!!!

Nasya : You scared me. No need to scream okay. Calm down.

Shofi : He he.. I'm just excited

Nasya : Ya ya ya.. But is't it expensive

Shofi : Definetly.

Nasya : So?

Shofi : So what?

Nasya : How will you get the money?

Shofi : I don't know

Nasya : Eh?!

Shofi : Yes. I don'y know. It's just a plan. I didn't tell you that it will occur right? Ha ha ha..

Nasya : Ah! stop joking around. Let's just go home.

Shofi : Ok sir! Ha ha..


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